Awesomely Oily Adventures
Creating Wellness, Purpose, & Abundance One Drop At a Time
About The Practitioner

Tanya Schoessow, CRTS, LSH, CAC


Rewind to around 2009, shall we? Tanya was in the process of learning about Pinterest. Oh the possibilities! She kept coming across these recipes that had essential oils in them. So, what were these essential oils that kept flooding the screen? Curiosity was piqued, but not enough to delve in more as she was on a very strict budget and if it wasn't currently in the home, it wasn't going to be purchased.

Fast forward to 2013 as Tanya was thinking about returning to the workforce full time now that the family was a bit older. A mom friend sent an invite to a get-together in February 2014. Well, low and behold it was on essential oils! Tanya was 'in' after hearing some of the benefits and how these little drops of wellness could support her entire family and at that point, Awesomely Oily Adventures was born.

Over the next few years, Tanya began to learn about an entirely different world! To date, she is a Certified Aromatherapy Coach (CAC) and Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist (CRTS) through The Natural Therapies Certification Board (NTCB); has completed training through CARE, The Center for Aromatherapy Research & Education (Raindrop Training); and is also a Licensed Spiritual Healer (LSH) through the Spiritual Healer License Board and the Alliance of Christian Healers. She also is very knowledgeable in plant-based essential oils, supplements, beauty, body, and home care.

Tanya is passionate about helping others on their wellness path by empowering her clients to seek help from the Divine in every aspect of their lives through direct communion and fellowship with the Divine. This can be achieved through detoxification, coaching, educating, empowering, mentoring, training, tutoring, stress management, aromatherapy, and more. Contact her today to begin your chemical-free journey to wellness!

Tanya enjoys helping others and hearing their stories as they progress on their wellness journey. Whether your paths cross for a few weeks or a lifetime, it is with great pleasure that she can serve and assist you. 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 701-412-1460
Fargo, ND 58103
© Copyright 2025 Awesomely Oily Adventures. All rights reserved.